The Locomotive Card
The locomotive card is a card in a bank card format. The configuration for a locomotive can be stored on this card and can be transferred to another Central Station. Several locomotives come from the factory with such a card.
When the card is inserted into the Central Station, then the locomotive belonging to that card is registered in the Central Station immediately. When the locomotive is placed on the track, it can be run immediately.
When a locomotive card is inserted into the slot, the card is not read in as long as the locomotive configuration is called up on the Central Station.
The settings stored on the locomotive card for a locomotive can be changed in the configuration for the locomotive. These changes are stored initially however only in the Central Station.
The button
can be used to copy the altered settings for the locomotive from the Central Station to the card.
Make sure that the right card is inserted into the Central Station before you copy data back to the card. There is no safety query and data can be copied to a possibly incorrect card.
Go to Configuration for a Locomotive for
mfx Locomotives
Programmable Locomotives
Locomotives with DIP Switches